CV-SALTS maps areas of high nitrate concentration in the Central Valley.

ACTIVE (Priority 1) Management Zones

Central Valley Water Board and State Water Board approve Nitrate Control Program.

Developing (Priority 2) Management Zones
May 2020

Central Valley Water Board sends Notices to Comply to nitrate permittees. Permittees have a limited time to select one of two pathways.

Pathway A: Individual Permitting Approach

Permittees individually assume all compliance costs and responsibilities and submit a Notice of Intent for Pathway A.

Pathway B: Management Zone Permitting Approach

Permittees share compliance costs and responsibilities by forming a local Management Zone and submitting a Preliminary Management Zone Proposal.

December 2023
March-May 2021

Permittees (Pathway A or B) submit their Notice of Intent and begin implementation of an Early Action Plan to provide safe drinking water to affected residents.

February 2025

Permittees (individually or through a Management Zone) develop nitrate management plan.
